Rebuild Hazel Trembath Elementary School

The tragic fire on October 14, 2023, devastated  Hazel Trembath's staff, students, and surrounding community.

With no commitment yet from the school board or provincial government on if, and when the school will be rebuilt, we must begin to strongly advocate for the expedited replacement of Hazel Trembath.

We are dedicated to ensuring that a vibrant, modern, and inspiring learning environment for our students, staff, and community is rebuilt on the Hazel Trembath site as quickly as possible.

As we embark on this crucial journey to rebuild Hazel Trembath Elementary, we invite parents and community members to join us in advocating for this essential learning centre. Our goal is to bring our children back into the heart of the community they live in, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity.

Here, you will find updates on our progress, ways to get involved, and opportunities to contribute to Hazel Trembath's replacement that will honour our past while forging a brighter future for generations to come.

Together, we can rise from this tragedy, build a stronger, united community, and ensure the best possible future for our children.


Help us keep #hazelstrong on the minds of those we've elected to ensure our children's education and safety.  Find out who you should advocate to.